Welcome to my blog! As an interior designer. I absolutely love what I do! The blog, however, is an outlet to talk about important topics that I hold dear such as; interior design, travel, and my new home country—France (UPDATE: and the Renovation of our new home!).
OUR MOVE: In June of 2017, my family and I moved to the beautiful wine country of Bordeaux. Then, in April 2018 we moved to Lyon. After a year my husband found his dream job which brought us to Alsace France in 2019. To finally be transferred to Brittany France in July 2021. Additionally we bought our house in the Côtes-d'Armor!
I felt a blog would be a great platform to continue to be creative and share good content with the world about my new quest, which is all about searching and reviewing, where to buy handcrafted, hand-made, or unique pieces. While attending design shows to keep abreast of the design industry. I will be reporting on subjects that cover both regions of the United States and Europe. The “how-to” will also be in the mix as well. How can you have a design blog without discussing these topics?!? Nonetheless, I hope to give you all a good storybook to read while you follow along on our journey. My blogs will be a work in progress, so stay tuned for much more to come!
UPDATE - Bonjour, my design tribe! Follow us on Instagram for day-to-day news on design tips and ideas.
Follow me as I take you through my American expat life discovering the European world of design and my new French life. I will be traveling to seek high quality, hand crafted and unique pieces and sharing travel guides to my fav cities. For my design enthusiast, from Paris to Milan, I’ll have my finger on the pulse of today’s hottest trends. With that, I’ll show you how to apply them to your own home, style and space. My “how-to” decoration skills will leave you with an understanding of true interior design. So, what are you waiting for? Allons y! (Let’s go!)